Matt's Birthday Cake

Friday, January 30, 2009

I just finished up on Matt's birthday cake (aka "truth cake") and I have to say I am, for the most part, pretty proud of it. Considering this is only the second layer cake I've ever made (the first didn't turn out too great), it didn't turn out half bad. Watching too much Food Network and Stumbling across various baking blogs, I decided to take pictures of the process and post about it.

I decided to be ambitious and try a chocolate and vanilla swirl cake with chocolate pudding filling and vanilla frosting. Here, the cake is ready to be constructed.Here's a close-up of the cake itself. I love the pattern it made!Mmm...a layer of chocolate fudge pudding.Put together. Now it's time for frosting!Frosting in progress. I'm never good at this part....and a little in the chef. Maybe this is why I'm not good at frosting?Viola! We have our finished product. I know it's not perfect, but I would like to think that it reflects it's creator - no, not blindingly white and packed with fat - imperfect, yet full of good intentions. :)

What would I do differently next time? Buy a cake. And if I ever had a cake store (yes, a cake store), my motto would be "Eh, it's edible..." Needless to say, I think I'll stick to my mommy career. I hope Matt likes it, at least.

[Edit] I had to wait for Matt to get home to show a slice.He loved it! :)