Facing My Sin

Monday, February 2, 2009

As the countdown to Biggest Loser wains, I'm preparing myself for the task at hand. Workouts, weigh-ins, calorie-counting, temptation, healthy eating - yikes! Here we go again! Yesterday, I sat thinking about why I wanted to lose the weight once and for all. Of course, my mind immediately went to Robby and Matt - I want to be healthy and live longer for them, I thought. And then I selfishly thought, so I look better and to be able to wear better clothes. But then I was struck with conviction from the Holy Spirit. In my past spiritual growth, I've learned to focus on what God is trying to point out to me instead of being quick to anger or ignoring it, so I sat and prayed.

The conclusion I came to made me want to drop to the ground. Despite being saved and being a firm believer, I was still living in sin and had been all my life, but had refused to realize it. I found the most important reason why I had to lose this weight - because God gave me this life, this precious gift, and I spat in His Holy face on a daily basis with my gluttony and slothfulness! Abusing this body He so lovingly blessed me with by filling it with nothing but junk for so long and doing nothing about it - what a disgrace! That is like someone handing you the keys to a brand new sports car and you promptly running it into a wall over and over and over again on purpose with no remorse whatsoever. I felt no remorse for selfishly stuffing my face, nor any remorse for not making any attempts to get off the couch and go for a simple walk. What a sickening feeling I had when I realized all this! But the important thing is that I realized this before it was too late, have since repented of my sins, and will make the necessary changes with God's will and strength.

Thank you, Lord, for your sanctification, mercy, and loving-kindness! And thank God that I am apart from this world, even though I was happily basking it in not too long ago. As it says in the Bible about this world:

"Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things." Philippians 3:19

So, as I embark on this journey to face and destroy my sin, please pray for me. This has been my lifetime weakness and only God Himself can help me be strong enough to overcome it!