My Realizations

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Getting peed/pooed/spit up on isn't as horrifying as I once imagined.

Thankfully, most things are washable - myself included.

There is such a thing as "motherly instinct", but unfortunately it's still hit and miss on when it decides to kick on.

I'm more capable than I give myself credit for. I can handle more than I think.

I should have been a sofa or recliner. Evidently I make a pretty good one.

No matter how much I mess up, a nap is a perfect slate-cleaner.

Babies have impeccable timing and can sense "mommy and daddy time" the instant it's even thought of.

It feels good to be needed. I thrive on this feeling of purpose, especially since I've never really felt it before.

You'd be surprised on what can be accomplished on little sleep.

You'd be surprised on what can be accomplished half asleep.

Pacifiers flying at the speed of a sneeze can be highly amusing.

Without sleep, anything is amusing.

Carrying an infant carrier in public is like waltzing into a lion's cage with a package of steaks - you will attract attention very quickly.

Out of all the audiences I've sang for, my son has been the most humbling and fulfilling. I can't help but cry when he looks up at me with such appreciation - even if I can't remember the words or am not on pitch.

Laughter truly is the best medicine.

God has to have a sense of humor.

Spit ups and poop bombs can occur at any given time at any given place.

Pride and parenting cannot co-exist.

There are many colors and textures of poo. None of them are flattering and is the one thing that doesn't go with jeans.

No matter how much you beg and plead a baby for "just five more minutes", it doesn't work.

When it comes to family members, you're the only one who DOESN'T want to hear your baby cry.

Baby boys do not like cold wet wipes.

Baby boys have great timing and aim.

When there's a new baby/new mom combo in the room, everyone in the near vicinity instantly becomes a parenting expert - even if they've never had children.

There really isn't anything interesting on TV at 2am, but even infomercials are entertaining when you're fighting to stay awake.

I am in complete awe of my son. I could honestly stare at him for hours, just studying and admiring him.