Easter at Great-Grandma's

Monday, April 9, 2012

 Decorating cookies with Great-Grandma.

More after the jump...

 Drew didn't want to wait.

 Green Mustached Hitler.

 Sprinkle, sprinkle.


 A little in the Rob...

 ...and I little in the Drew.

 Joe Cool found his first egg.

 Drew and Nana looking for eggs.

 "Let's go this way, Nana!"

Found one!

 "I kind of like this!"

Rob's on the look-out. 

Once Drew figured out what was going on, it was game on! 

Found another one! 

And another! 


Exhausting work! Whew! 

Now to open the bounty! 

"What is it? Can I eat it?" 

"Moolah! I'm rich!" 

"But I prefer candy." 

Daddy and Drew opening more eggs. 

Baskets! Rob got a killer...er...Zhu Zhu Pet that came with...a "battle tank". We had a good laugh over that one. Hamster world domination is at hand. 

Drew got a cute little dump truck. 

Don't let the fuzziness fool you. He's lethal. 

Daddy opening Drew's truck. 

See? He'll rip the hair right out of your head! Watch him!