Arts & Crafts/Four Months

Monday, August 2, 2010

It was suggested to me that Robby might be starting to get bored, so in order to stimulate that little brain of his, I decided to start doing a craft or activity (just him and I) each day. Today we made a Robby collage. I dug out some parenting magazines, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, and some card stock and let him pick out pictures of things he liked (lots of food, you'll notice) and I pasted them onto the paper for him. It was fun at first, but two poopie diapers, a two-year-old's short attention span, and one screaming baby brother later, it went from fun to stressful. I think he still had a good time doing a craft with me, though. That's all that matters. I have a lot more craft ideas, so I hope to keep this up. I just hope future mornings aren't as nightmarish as this morning was.

Also, I'm late on Drew's four-month picture. Four months! Crazy, no?