Saturday Morning Pancakes

Saturday, August 15, 2009

There's something about making pancakes on Saturday morning that instantly makes every mom feel like their mom or grandma. At least that's the case for me. I've made pancakes for my boys the past two Saturdays and there's something oddly nostalgic about it. I instantly thought of my grandma and our Sunday morning breakfasts. Sometimes fancy, sometimes simple, but always comforting and satisfying. The warm aroma of coffee brewing, sausage crackingly, and pancakes simmering filled our home and drew everyone to the dinner table for some real family time. Good memories.

Today was banana chocolate chip pancakes (especially made for my banana-and-chocolate-crazy husband) and needless to say, they were a hit. Robby out-ate both of us, clearing his plate of four small pancakes without blinking. He didn't move much after that, but soon the sugar kicked in and away he went! The happy smiles and satisfied "mmm!" coming from my boys definitely made my day and kept my family's stomachs content for quite awhile. It's the little moments like those that I thrive on. Everything else melts away and it's just me, my family, and breakfast.