Methinks I need a Snugli or sling. Robby has gotten into the habit of wanting to snooze on me for his naps instead of in his bed and won't have it any other way. I, of course, am a sucker and let him get away with it (yes, I know, I know - before you start emailing/commenting, I know). It's cutting into "mommy time", so we're going to have to find a happy medium somehow.
As an added bonus, he's decided to share all bodily fluids with me, today. So, I've been blatantly peed upon, spit up upon, and have had to change two major poop bombs - one of which I heard occur from the next room. I'm all for sharing, but some things are better kept to yourself.
It's rather hard to type over a sleeping infant on a Boppy, by the way.