As soon as 11pm hit, Robby wasn't Robby anymore. He was a screaming, flailing, demon monkey set to make his parents go insane. He woke us up every hour wanting to eat, but then refused what I had to offer with an ear-piercing screech that I'm sure was heard across town. After about three hours of this merriment, he decided to pull out all the stops and just scream bloody murder for almost an hour straight. I didn't think he was ever going to stop. Finally, after attempting to feed him multiple times, I just let him cry. It killed me, but I didn't know what else to do. I just went to my happy place and just let him go at it. And then it happened. Silence. Just as quickly as the storm had started, it stopped and I had my baby back. Given, I had to camp out on the couch as he slept in his swing (I didn't dare want to chance putting him in his bassinet), but I was willing to sell a kidney for sleep at that point.
To wrap up my tale of woe, we all survived the night and gripe water is a Godsend. Here's praying for rest for the weary.