Baby Bliss

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ever since we switched to formula, Robby has been a completely different baby. He's always satisfied after he eats, he's quiet and awake more often, he sleeps longer at night, and he actually plays a little. He's an absolute joy! I'm still offering the breast at every feeding, but his "main course" is formula, which he loves. It's so nice to finally have that happy, thriving baby I hoped and prayed for! Plus, it's nice to have the pressure of having to feed him lifted off of my shoulders. It was nice to have Matt feed him last night for a change and it gives them time to bond more.

I was somewhat embarrassed to admit the WIC people that I had to switch over to formula, but the girl was young and didn't really seem to care much. It's pointless to harass me about it, anyways - there's not much I can do about it! I gave it a good effort and it didn't pan out, so I'll be happily taking my nine cans of formula a month and be grateful for the help. He's happy and well-fed and that's all that matters to me.