The screaming started at 10pm last night and I thought we were in for another rough night. After about an hour of squeals (even with the gripe water), I got desperate and called a friend for some anti-gas tips and empathy. She suggested some various ways of burping and some gas drops we could get. So, Matt, bless his heart, ventured out for drops. Unfortunately, the drops didn't work, so we moved on to the burping. We tried every one on the list. Fail. Fail. Fail. Finally, we tried a move that I'd like to call "baby crunches". With baby on his/her back, you gently take his/her legs and roll them up into his/her stomach, applying a little pressure. As soon as we started doing this, Robby stopped crying. I've never seen a more contented look of relief on my son's face. He just laid there looking around quietly as if he was finally able to enjoy the sights.
Even though he was wide awake, he stayed quiet and eventually went to sleep without another fuss and we were able to go to bed. He only woke up twice during the night, but was easily consoled back to sleep without eating. He woke us up at 6am this morning, very ready to eat. It felt weird to actually wake up refreshed for a change. I actually dreamt about needing to wake up and how odd it was that I was still asleep.
So, thank you, Sara, for your tips - I owe our rest to you - and here's praying that this change sticks around. I kind of like that sleep thing.