Blog Remodel/General Update

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I thought it was time for a fresh new look. Unfortunately, I don't usually have the time/energy/motivation to actually WRITE on my blog. Shame on me. Maybe the pretty colors will inspire me.

Some random updates:

Our anniversary date was wonderful. We saw a Steelheads (hockey) game, had a quiet evening cuddling and sipping on wine in our very nice hotel room, and then we enjoyed a nice lunch at Olive Garden and just dinking around Boise the next day. I hate to say it, but I didn't really miss our boys. Is that wrong? I thoroughly enjoyed not having to change diapers and having to get up every five seconds! According to our dear friend who watched the boys, they did really well. Rob fully understood everything that was going on - where we were, what we were doing, and when we were coming back. Drew was just...Drew. He could have cared less. I hope for more opportunities like this in the future. I very much enjoyed the downtime and reconnecting with Matt. I had hoped to do some shutterbuggin' while we were there, but we had to head home because Matt had a nasty headache. Someday, I hope. Boise is fun.

Matt has a very special opportunity to go to the Shepherd's Conference March 7th-14th with a group of guys from our church; our pastor and some elders included. Unfortunately, that leaves me single-mommin' it for a week. The experience will be an immense blessing for all of us in the long run, but I'm not looking forward to that particular week at all. Please pray for us. It's not going to be easy by any means.

I just want to say for the record that we are almost out from under our hospital bills - hoorah! Thank you tax refund!

Rob got to eat pizza for the first time in months tonight! He didn't mind a bit that it didn't have cheese on it. He was just grateful to have it!

Drew is walking so well. I'm still surprised by him. He can sure be a fun little guy. When he's not crabby, that is.

I ask for prayer for our boys. They're both really sick with whatever junk that is plaguing our area - more specifically our poor church family. Yikes! They're dropping like flies! Mainly the flu, but I can say with some certainty that the sickness in our household isn't the flu. Nevertheless, I'm popping echinacea like it's going out of style.

That's all I can think of. Told you it was going to be random. That's just how I roll. Matt is telling me to come to bed. The end.