Time's Up!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I said I would take a month off before getting back on the fitness wagon and now that month's up. I kicked it off by all of us going to the CSI fitness trail, today, and walking a mile. It was actually really fun and easier for me to endure than I thought it would be (I admit that I dreaded the idea of trying to get back on track after Robby was born, but knew it had to be done). It gave us a chance to go out as a family and enjoy the beautiful day together.

Robby thought the walk was great. He rode in his stroller, looking around in wonder at everything and then fell asleep. The only time he fussed was when we stopped. He wanted to keep going! It was good for all of us - especially poor Kirby, who's been slightly neglected the past few weeks and has terrible cabin fever.

Oddly enough, it was easier for me to walk a mile today than it was when I first started our Biggest Loser competition last September. If I'm able to easily walk a mile postpartum, but wasn't able to before conceiving, that really shows just how unhealthy I really was. I was really surprised at this. I'm really looking forward to walking during the week with Robby and Kirby, now!