Tests of Faith

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yesterday wasn't the greatest. Robby was hungry and fussy (more like screamy?) all day, I had to deal with the hospital again (who expects us to pay $165/month on our bill), I couldn't find the right matting for my fair photos, Matt and I were biting at each other any chance we got, and then it happened. The last straw. Our Taurus, which was already on it's last leg, died on the side of the road *moment of silence*. We were waiting for it, but why that day of all days? When Matt called to tell me to come pick him up, I had JUST gotten Robby to nap for the first time all day. I have to admit I was livid, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't just leave my husband stranded. So, I pack a once-slumbering child into the car seat, which made the screaming commence once more, and we went off to find Daddy.

I find him parked on a side street next to his job. The car's out of the way, but we have to figure out what to do with the stupid thing. We end up calling our friends for a tow rope (which we owe them a new one, now - sorry guys) and tow it home - a harrowing experience I never want to go through ever again. Let me set the scene - Matt's in our Sable wagon doing the towing, trying to mouth directions and advice out the window as we're driving, while I'm white-knuckled in the Taurus behind him trying not to slam into the back of our only working car, and Robby's in the back of the Sable screaming his head off for food. Can this get any better? We limp home just as it's getting dark only to find that the tow rope is fraying and just BARELY made it thanks to my novice skills at being towed.

After the dust settles, I'm finally able to get some much-needed rest - for a couple hours, at least. As I'm laying there in bed, I start stewing over the day's events. Why did I think doing the fair this year was a good idea? Where does the hospital think we're going to get that money? Will I have to find a job to help pay our bills? What about Robby? Why did he have to run me ragged today? Why did the car have to die now? I completely worked myself up into a tizzy.

Then I started really thinking about everything and I felt guilty for complaining. God will provide the needed funds to pay our bills because He's never let us down before. Thank God that I'm able to stay home and raise my son instead of having to work and having someone else raise him. Thank God that we have formula to feed his ever-demanding appetite and that he's growing big and strong because of it. Thank God we were even able to have him! Thank God for good friends who are always willing to help and that we were able to buy our Sable from them so we had a reliable vehicle once more. And the fair - it's small potatoes in comparison to everything, but it's meant to be a hobby and therefore enjoyed!

Thank God for the obstacles in our lives so that we're able to see the bigger picture and appreciate the things that are going right. Thank God for these tests of faith.