Going Mad

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For those of you who are choosing to sit in the choir during this sermon, just hang tight and let me vent. Thank you.

Simply put - the child refuses to let me put him down. He won't even go in the Snugli. I have to be physically holding him. He won't even take naps during the day anymore unless it's in my arms. The poor little guy looks exhausted, but he just won't sleep! This is seriously cutting into my other responsibilities along with much-needed breaks and I'm starting to lose it. I broke down and now he's screaming in his crib. He's fed, changed, and perfectly safe, I assure you, but I'm still feeling like a horse's behind for doing it.

I've read that it's impossible to spoil a child at this age and that the comfort and security you give them now will make them trust you in the future, but where do you draw the line? When you snap and end up hurting them? And before I get freaked-out emails/comments - I would NEVER, EVER even THINK about doing that. I mean, I love my son to tears and I hate hearing him scream and want to give him my all, but Mommy needs a break before she breaks!

[Edit] I don't know what I'd do without my Sara. She swooped in and saved my newbie butt once more. She informed me that babies go through many "transitional periods" in their first year and can sometimes become overwhelmed with learning and changing that they become incredibly fussy. She also suggested that when I lay him down to put something that smells like me next to him to comfort him. Right now, he's in his swing snuggling up to one of my t-shirts and happily snoozing. I don't know how long the peace will last, but I will savor what I can get for now.

A HUGE thanks to Sara for the advice! I seriously don't know what I'd do without you!!!