After three weeks of listening to Drew scream in misery, I finally broke down and took him to the doctor. We did everything we could leading up to this point; gas drops, gripe water, switching formulas, using filtered water instead of no avail. I couldn't take it anymore and started breaking down mentally. My step mom was here to go with us, thankfully, and held a screaming Drew in the pediatrician's office the whole time, as I tearfully answered the doctor's questions. He was very thorough and determined that it was very possible that Drew had gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). He prescribed easy-dissolve Prevacid ($60!), told us to keep him on sensitive or soy formula for the spitting up, and to keep him upright for 30 minutes after he eats. We should expect changes within a week and so far just a couple of doses have made a difference. From what I understand, he'll either outgrow GERD or have to take medication for it for the rest of his life. We're just praying for peace in our household, no matter the cost. He goes back to the doctor for his two-month checkup on June 2nd.