Eleven Months Old

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Robby at Eleven Months Old - Twin Falls, Idaho - 2009

For some reason, Robby being eleven months old isn't very exciting in itself, but knowing it means he's a month away from turning one makes it amazing! I am floored. Where did the year go???

Well, let's see - he can feed himself finger foods and loves Kix cereal, cheese, and watermelon. He's not walking yet, but can stand with ease. He will bring you an object when asked and will spit out something that he knows he shouldn't be eating when asked (very useful). He loves music and animals and will groove to any beat and talk to all-things-furry. He's managed to say a few words, but nothing consistent. He currently has three and half teeth with hints of more on the way. He's just...a boy. Head to toe. Far different from the baby we've grown to know and love in the past months.

Robby, the eleven month old.