Whine Time

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just for the record - it really sucks being sick. Especially when you have to pry your achy, diseased body out of bed at 2am.

Thanks to a friend's infectious little monkey children (I won't name any names...*cough*Sara), I have...something. I don't know what it is, but it's kicking my tush. My throat's swollen and sore, my sinuses are draining, my whole body aches, and I had a fever off and on last night. Simply put, I feel like crap. Normally, this would call for NyQuil, but I can't take it since I need to get up with the little guy. And I feel bad because I just know poor Robby's going to catch this junk. I guess it had to happen sometime, but I was hoping to hold it off for at least a little longer. The poor little guy keeps looking at me like, "you don't look so good, Mama...". I think he knows something's up. Maybe it's the froggy-sounding voice and the look of death warmed over that tipped him off.

As a side note, I'm blessed with the best husband in the world! He watched 'Lil Bit and let me take a nap after he got home from work, yesterday. I really appreciated it! :)