Project 52 - Week 25 - Seasons

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Project 52 - Week 25 - Seasons
I guess I missed a week somewhere. Oops?

I've thought a lot about life's seasons over the course of my mama career. The world looks down on stay-at-home moms like we're some sort of bums mooching off the system; like all we do is sit around and eat Bon-Bons while watching soap operas, while the children run amuck, screeching like wild animals and ripping the place apart. If you're a stay-at-homer, like myself, or you know someone who is, you know this is far from the truth.

Okay, the screeching wild animals part is partially true.

I may not earn a paycheck or have an impressive list of degrees, but the job I'm entrusted with is one of the most important positions I will ever have. It's exhausting, dirty, undignified work and it demands every ounce of my time, energy, and sacrifice.

But the benefits are plenty and the regrets are few. That is the season that God has placed me in right now. To be completely devoted to Him and the children He has so graciously blessed me with.

I wouldn't trade it for any six-figure salary in the world.