Springtime Stroll

Monday, May 2, 2011

Click to enlarge.

Yes. Another collage. I love 'em. They help tell a story. So yeah.

Lots of pictures of that red-hatted kid. You'd think I was playing favorites or something. *shrugs*

We decided to soak in the beautiful weather (while it lasts!) by taking a stroll through the College of Southern Idaho's campus this evening. It's so lovely there in the spring and the warm air was inviting - since we've been begging for it all winter! C'mon! It's May already! Can we PLEASE have some sunny (without wind) days?! Is that so much to ask?

My ABSOLUTE favorite:
I'm one blessed woman. :)

Here's some other shots I took. I just can't help myself when it comes to flowers. And surprise, surprise - it's in collage form.

You can see them individually by visiting my photostream.
Click to enlarge.