Random Photos

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is our Daddy countdown. Each day, we'll rip off a ring - just like we all used to do at Christmastime. I'd like to say I made it for Rob's sake, but really it's for mine. Last night was incredibly hard, but today is a little easier. Sleep helped; although, I had to take Benedryl to knock myself out. I did a little Bible study and a lot of praying this morning and now I'm just trying to keep my thoughts captive and my hands busy. This is so hard.

A sweet photo of the boys. Proof that sometimes they like each other. Sometimes.

I built the boys a cave by flipping the playpen on it's side and then throwing a blanket over it. They loved it. Yes, that's my pink blanket. No, I'm not proud of that.

Drewser watching TV. Probably Sesame Street, judging by his enamored expression.

Rob wanted me to snap a picture of Buzz. Tada?

I see a coy little smile under that pacifier...

Always willing to take a silly picture. What a goof.

Can you tell I cleaned off my memory card recently?