Things have not being going as well as we'd like. We're definitely in the midst of trial. Raising and just tending to the boys has been more challenging than ever before, as both demand more and more of our attention, energy, and patience. It's taken it's toll on us individually and as a couple, but by the grace of God, we stumble through. I can definitely see it's effects on myself. I'm gaining weight like no tomorrow, my hair is falling out in clumps, and I've been struggling with my depression on a daily basis. This is definitely the hardest thing I've had to do in my entire life. Yet, I still praise God. I know that this is His purpose for me at this time and that He will give me strength and faith to endure. This time is so fleeting, despite it's seemingly dragging pace right now. We will someday look back at this time and thank God for getting us through and for making us better because of it. I'm realizing now that God has sent me these boys not only to care for and raise to be righteous men, but to refine me as a person and servant to Him as well. Never see yourself as "not that bad". God sees that as a challenge and will show you otherwise! I am more impatient and selfish than I thought before and I have proven it over and over again lately! It's as if God sent me two little mirrors to show me the true me. Scary. Some days I feel as if I'm struggling just to stay afloat, but lo and behold - I survived another day. I don't want to merely "survive", though. I want to rejoice in being allowed another day on Earth with my little family! But sadly, the flesh doesn't always see it that way. God's still working on me.
That aside, we've been keeping busy as usual. I had the pleasure and honor of shooting my "baby" cousin's senior photos a couple weeks ago. It went great and we got some good shots that her mom and herself were very pleased with. Shortly after, our photography finally turned into a business. Yep, that's right! Marshall Photography is now a legit business! We're very blessed and very thankful to God for allowing our passion to turn into something more. We're going very slow for right now, but it will be interesting to see where the Lord takes us from here. We hope to save up to buy a camera for Matt and a new computer, since our desktop is definitely showing it's age as of late. It's sad to think that four years is old in computer years, but we've maxed it to it's capacity with upgrades and it's getting worse and worse. In due time. We need a minivan first. Come on tax time! Other than that, we all fell victim to a nasty stomach flu that was circulating our church family. A friend of ours coined it the "Amazon Flu" because our VBS (rainforest-themed) kids brought it upon us. I
Where did this year go? Is it really almost school time again? It seems as if I just blinked and POOF! It's August! Crazy. Well, that's all I have for you right now. Really just to say "we're alive and we need prayer". We covet those prayers if you think of us. It's been increasingly more difficult as the days progress, but I know that only God can get us through it. He has never failed to take care of this little family. Until next time.