Baby 101

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I just had to share this because I thought it was hilarious. Yesterday, we were walking around Walmart when Matt happened across a co-worker. When he spotted us, he walked up to our cart, pointed to Robby, and said, "Cute baby,". I thanked him, like I do everyone, but that's not the funny part. This is how the rest of the conversation went:

Him: "How old is he?"

Us: "Seven months."

Him: "Oh, so has he started talking, yet?"

Us: "Um, he's only seven months old."

Him: "Oh. Well, don't they start saying "no" or something at this age?"

Us: "Um, no? That's not until much later, thankfully."

Him: "Oh, so he can walk, though, right?"

Us: *laughing* "No. He can't even crawl, yet!"

Him: "When do they walk?"

Us: "A year or so?"

Him: "But he can at least point at stuff, right?"

At this point, I started cracking up. This poor "kid" had no clue about babies. I know I'm still learning and still very much green, but it isn't rocket science. He's seven months old! Just barely! He's still rather limited...or according to this guy, way behind! I explained to him that Robby can roll around, can get up on all fours and is preparing to crawl, and can sit up assisted. Oddly enough, he didn't seem as impressed after that.

I'll let you know when he starts juggling and quoting Shakespeare - which should be around nine months, evidently.