Matt directed me to this site (Kids-In-Mind) and I highly recommend it for parents who are trying to filter what movies their kids watch. Obviously, Robby is too young to care, but I've found that it's a great resource to filter what we watch, too!
When you visit the site, you'll see a list of currently-in-theater movies. If you click on a movie title, you'll be taken to a page devoted to that movie's contents, broken down into the movie's premise, sex and nudity content, violence and gore content, and profanity content. Under each category, there's a detailed description of each occurrence in the movie. For example, the movie "Hotel for Dogs" got a rating of 4/10 for profanity, for "7 scatological terms (6 mild), name-calling (idiot, mangy), 5 religious exclamations". It'll also list the uses or references to drugs or alcohol, discussion topics, and the message, or moral, of the story. What a great tool! I highly recommend this site to all parents and for stumble-fearing Christians like myself.
Want a Christian adult version? This site is a great resource as well!