Prayers for our Children

Monday, September 9, 2019

Some family requested that we share with them how they could pray for our boys, specifically. I invite the rest of you to join them, if you're so inclined.

For Drew, my prayer for him would be for God to give him the strength and desire to fight his temptations to sin, to turn to God when darkness overcomes him and to not lose hope, to seek after God in all things and not depend on the what the world has to offer, and to trust and believe that God does love and care for him, especially when he feels like no one else does. I pray that God's voice is louder than the one in his head.

For Rob, to never lose his love for the Lord and to always follow what he knows is true. I also pray that God gives him humility and the courage to fight his own selfishness, to not depend on his knowledge or confidence to the point where he becomes a Pharisee, and to shift his focus on his own plank, rather than someone else's speck. I also pray he gets his litter of children he so badly wants. He will be an amazing father.

For both, I pray that they stay close to each other (and to us, hopefully), even in their adult lives. I pray they take our lessons and failures and learn from them, pray upon them, and apply them to their own lives. If God wills it, I pray He sends them godly women to be their helpmates, to have marriages like He has blessed Matt and I with, and for them to be strong protectors and leaders, but also gentle and loving providers. May they reflect the love of Jesus as they raise families for Him and may the Word be read, revered, and priority in their homes.

May the Lord be glorified, always.